Sunday, October 3, 2010

Small Talk James DeGale

The Olympic gold medalist on wardrobes, vegetables and where to go out in Harlesden

Straight down to business, James: you will fight Carl "Dynamite" Dilks on 18 September. How's training going?

Training's going well. I've been in the gym for the past six weeks, getting fit and feeling nice. I can't wait. It's a British title eliminator, so hopefully by the end of the year I'll be fighting for the British title.

You visited Floyd Mayweather at his gym last year. How was that? He can be a little bit... opinionated sometimes.

That was great, that was amazing. He's one of my idols, so just to watch him train, to watch him spar, was amazing. We talked a few times. He knew I was an Olympic gold medalist. He got a bronze in Atlanta, so there was some respect there, a connection. It was just brilliant to see him.

If he ever gets it together with Manny Pacquiao, who do you think would win?

I'm a Mayweather man, I think he's the best boxer on the planet. It'd be a great fight, obviously, but he's the man.

Where's your Olympic medal now?

My paps keeps that somewhere. I don't even know where it is. He keeps it nice and safe. That's something proper special, so it's tucked away somewhere nice. That rarely comes out. The MBE, though, that's on show. That's in my room.

Did your dad really lock himself in a wardrobe during the Olympic final?

Yeah, he did. It was such a big and important fight, and I think it got to him. He comes to watch me fight sometimes but because it was an Olympic final he couldn't watch it so he went and hid.

You might have been a dancer ? do you still dance a bit?

I dance in clubs when I go out, but not any more than that. I was just following my sister. She was into it first, and now she's a qualified dance teacher. Boxing took over in the end, for me. I'm still good on my feet though so maybe it did help.

You'd be perfect for Strictly Come Dancing, but you turned down a place last year...

In a few years I would definitely do something like that, but the timing wasn't right for me. It's still about the boxing.

Your nickname is Chunky. Isn't that a bit rubbish? I mean, it's not The Hitman, or Bonecrusher, or Hands of Stone, or The Executioner, or The Count of Monte Fisto really is it?

I keep it real. Ever since I walked into a gym at the age of 10 they called me chunky. Everyone in the boxing world knows me as Chunk. They don't call me James, they call me Chunk. I don't mind it. I'm used to it.

You used to get a few boos from the crowd before your fights. Are you more popular now?

Everything's going well now. I started a bit shaky a year and a half ago. I got a couple of boos, but I think I've won people over now. By 2012 I want to be knocking on the door of the world title, or maybe a champion already. They won't be booing then.

What was the last film you saw?

I went to the premiere of The Expendables a while ago. What a film. A really good film that is.

So did you get to meet Sylvester Stallone? Or just Dolph Lundgren?

I didn't actually meet them but I was around them. I got pretty close. I went with Frank Warren. We got invited, I had a hard day in training and it was my little treat.

Were you a Rocky fan?

I loved the Rocky films, yeah. Rocky IV's my favourite, the one with the Russian.

What's the last music you bought/stole using a dodgy file-sharing website?

I was downloading the other night, just random singles. The Fray, a couple of theirs, Omarion, random stuff.

What's the last book you read?

I'm not really a reader, but every Thursday and Friday I read my Boxing News. I read the papers every day, but I'm not really a book reader.

What about food? What's your treat?

I love my food. The worst thing is having to make weight before a fight. It's hard to cut down. Hopefully in 10 years I'll have retired and I'll be able to do what I want. I like steaks, but I love a homemade roast, a nice roast dinner.

What's the world's worst vegetable?

I'm a good boy, I eat up all my vegetables. But if I've got to pick one it'll have to be sprouts. I don't like them, but when they're on my plate I'll eat them.

Cheese or chocolate?

I like cheese on toast, but probably chocolate.

What's your favourite pasta shape?

I like shells, or the spirally ones. Fusilli, yeah, that's the ones.

Where did you go on holiday this year?

In the space of about eight weeks I had three ? Cyprus for five days with my family, and Marbella for four nights, then three weeks later I went to Marbella again for four nights. Short, sharp, in and out, that's the best way. A nice relaxing break.

Do you still live near your parents in Harlesden?

Yeah, I still live in Harlesden. I'm looking for a house now, somewhere more near my gym, Essex way or something like that. I bought an apartment but I'm not good at living by myself so I'm always at home. My mum feeds me, she does my washing, so I'm there most of the time.

Can you recommend somewhere in Harlesden to go out?

In Harlesden? Oh no. No, no, no. Nowhere in Harlesden. You have to wander out a bit. There's a couple of nice places like Kensal Green way and that, still north-west London, but you have to get out of Harlesden. Me? I go out in central London, me and the boys will go out to one of the clubs in town. Mo*vida, somewhere like that.

Can you tell us a joke?

I'm not good with jokes, no. I don't know a joke at all. I like being told jokes, but I can't tell one myself. Sorry.

That's all right, James. Thanks for the chat. Good luck with the fight.

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Manny Pacquiao Floyd Mayweather Paul Williams

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