Sunday, October 17, 2010

Create-a-Caption: 'Does this count as a knockout? Maybe?'

Mike Brown tried for another shot at the belt Jose Aldo took from him. It doesn't officially count since it was just at the WEC 51 afterparties, and both men had won earlier that night. And I can't tell you what Brad Pickett is doing in this picture, besides wearing a really cool watch. Try your best at copywriting in the comments, and tell your caption in the comments. Read on for winners from our last create-a-caption.

Ed. Note: You all brought the funny this week. Thanks for that.

First place: I wonder if it's to late to sign up for those community college classes. -- david

Second place: On this episode of "When keeping it real goes wrong"... -- Ashy Larry (Extra points for the screen name)

Third place: I hope nobody takes a picture of me right now and submits it to some create a caption contest somewhere. -- joe sixpack

Amir Khan Roman Gonzales Oscar DeLa Hoya

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