Sunday, January 16, 2011

Obama 'attacks' Volkmann on 'The Tonight Show'

The Jacob Volkmann-Barack Obama "feud" went viral in recent days. Thursday night, it reached new heights with a quick pop on "The Tonight Show" (SEE ABOVE VIDEO). Obviously that is not really President Obama in the clip.

After his win over Antonio McKee at UFC 125, Volkmann said he'd like to fight the president next.

"He's not too bright ... Someone needs to knock some sense into that idiot. I just don't like what Barack is doing," said Volkmann.  

Jay Leno's crew worked a little creative editing and the president gave his answer to the fighter's challenge.

[Related: President Obama and Kobe Bryant talk some trash ]

Here is THE ORIGINAL interview:

Volkmann's "threat" was taken pretty seriously, as The Secret Service paid him a visit on Tuesday. Watch the original "The Tonight Show" video here (3:20 mark) 

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