Friday, January 28, 2011

Walker lives the simple life at San Jose hotel: Training and little else

Herschel Walker is worth millions. He's a big car collector. The former star college and NFL running back has 63. At 48, he's accomplished a helluva lot, yet he's turned back the clock and living a simple existence in a San Jose hotel for the last six weeks.

"This is my little thing. I do my work. Everyday I stay in this hotel room. It ain't about going out," Walker told "I don't go out to nightclubs. I don't go out and party. I never have."

Walker said the trainers at American Kickboxing Academy, where he's worked on his MMA skils for the last few years, have done too much for him to screw around.

"I have a resonsibility to those people who have given me a hand. I have a responsibility to AKA for giving me a chance, an opportunity."

Walker faces 40-year-old Scott Carson this weekend in San Jose for Strikeforce.  

For the kiddies, check out the old highlights of Herschel steamrolling people during his Georgia days on his way to the 1982 Heisman. Walker also says he's still doing a minimum of 750 pushups and 2000 sit ups a day.

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